KB20201026/01: Sage 200 Evolution New features V10.1.2 – New Bank Fees and Automatic Payment and Remittance batches

Bank Feeds

A bank feed is a secure online connection between Sage 200 Evolution and your bank. Transactions are automatically imported from your bank meaning no more manual import of a downloaded file from your bank.

To set up a bank feed, follow the steps from the general ledger account. Navigate to General Ledger…Transactions…Cashbook and click on Bank Manager.

If the bank feeds have been set up successfully on the Bank account, the transactions will be automatically downloaded into Bank Manager.

Automatic Payment and Remittance batches

New option added to increment line reference numbers on remittance batches.

Once the option is set in Suppliers/Purchases…Maintenance…Defaults, new batches created will default to the Payment Run as EFTS Processing. Lines in the batch will be assigned a unique reference number upon posting the batch.

For more information on Sage 200 Evolution or if you would like to upgrade your current version to the new version please contact us on info@sysfinpro.com or by phone on +27 12 880 0258.