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KB20200701/01: How to Setup and Create a Recurring Journal Entry
- Confirm that the document type has the “Template” checkbox checked under Setup> Financials> Documents types
- Create a template journal that will be used as the model journal under Financials> Journals. Journal entry
- The Category must template so that no GL entry is created.
- Create the Recurring journal under Setup> Financials> Recurring entries
- If the journals a code and description.
- Select the template document type and link the template journal created in step 2 above that will be copied for the recurring journals.
- Select the start and end date.
- The start date will be the date on which the first accounting entry will be created.
- Select the frequency
- On the Generation tab, enter the document type that must be used for the journal creation.
- Run the Recurring entries function under Financials> Current processings> Recurring entries
- Select the relevant criteria and run the function.
- You will receive a log file with the created journals.